First of all, it is important to know that what is hard drive partition ?

Your computer or laptop has a hard drive, whose work is to store the data, then  how can you devide it in different parts. It is called hard drive partition.We can adjust our storage according to our need. For example you have 500GB hard drive then you can devide in many parts.

 Let's learn A New Thing "How Can We Partition Hard Drive In Our Computer". So We have to   follow few steps and we will be able to grab it.

How Can We Partition In Hardrive-:

 Step1-First of all right click on my computer, then click on manage.

Step2-After click on manage, we get pop up window. then on left side of screen we found disk  management option and click on it,then we get some partition of our computer.                 

Step3-Now select any drive in which you want to partition. Suppose we are doing partition in Bunty(E) drive, We have some more option among of them click on shrink volume. It will  take few minutes.               

Step4- After it, we get new popup window page. Now enter the amount of space in which column. Suppose we enter 20000 MB which is equal to 20 GB, Then click on shrink.                 

Note-  You can give space here according to you.

Step5- After click on shrink, we able to see the black calculated space, as much as we have. If we allocated 20 GB, it's shows less then 20 GB, now right click on unallocated space, then click on new simple volume.                  

Step6- After click on new simple volume then click on next.

Step7- Again click on next.

Step8- Now we have to choose our drive's letter and click on next, again click on next and lastly click on finish.                   

Now your hard drive partition is ready and we can check our my computer, it will show in my computer as well. 

Read Also This-

1. How to  hide the drive in our laptop and computer.
2. How to recover permanent deleted gmail account.